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Stress level up
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The stress level is up! Hahaha. No kidding. My meow meow project is in deep shit. BUT I believe that I can handle it because I have a good friend in SMU who knows me well and will give me advices and comments. AND I have a friend in my team whom I know is able to handle things and I believe she is capable of all the stress. Haha. So while I busy myself with my internship interview, my piano exams, I will leave some of the problems encountered to my friend in the team. The other team mates are also my friend fyi but sometimes it is a kind of gut feel that tells you who to believe and trust in. Tomorrow is my internship interview. I shall try not to be nervous and cross my fingers in hope that I will be accepted. At night I have to keep practicing piano in order to pass my exam. BUT I know my friend in the team is also up to her neck with project work and stuff so after tomorrow, I shall be responsible again and take up half of the load so that she will not be too loaded.

As for the other game project, I am very lucky that my good friend is in my team so I entrust her with the report and strategy. In that team, there is another friend who is good in analyzing data so I hope he will do his very best also. As for me, well, I will wait until after next Tuesday to immerse myself back into THAT project.

I learnt a lesson. It is always good to be able to find another person who you are able to trust because when you don't understand, you will be able to ask her and vice versa. Also, when you feel like there is internal bleeding because you are unable to say something because you are afraid of spoiling the friendship in a group, it is always good to find someone you trust in and spill the beans.

Thank you. You know who you are and I appreciate it very much even though you may or may not read my blog.