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Monday, December 14, 2009

It is not a good day to be in if you are a Liverpool fan, more so if your Dad is an Arsenal fan. This is because Liverpool lost to Arsenal 2 - 1. My Dad was taunting me about how good is Arsenal team is regardless of the injuries they faced. Well, what to do, Liverpool have really lost. But hopefully, they will start to regain their composure and challenge the rest of the teams.
On another tone, last Saturday I went with my family to a BBQ organized by my cousin - my Dad's side. The BBQ is to celebrate his youngest son's 2 years old.

I remembered that just 1 or 2 years ago, I often dread going to the gatherings, not because I don't like them but because I don't know how to speak and listen to Hainanese. Hence, there is a communication gap between my uncles, aunties, cousins and me. Adding to that, majority of my cousins are in their late 20s, early 30s and going to 40. You can imagine the topics that they are talking and the topics that I am interested in. Also, we seldom see each other and the only time we meet is during CNY and other special occasions. On the other hand, I will not face such dreadfulness if it is concerning my Mum's side gathering because most of my cousins are around my age and we speak the same language.

However, there are many things happening during the past few years and I started witnessing the changes in the 2 distant sides. It seems that for my Dad's side, there is an invisible bond that tie us together no matter what happens. They are able to take things at stride and put things down easily. Things happened but up till today, I still see them smiling and talking at ease. On my Mum's side, things happened and a crack begin to form in the bond. Sometimes, I will guess whether is there any motives in them asking such questions or doing such actions. There seems to be a lot of motives going around which make it rather difficult to smile and talk at ease like what we did 3 to 4 years ago.

So now the situation changes. I look forward to going to BBQs held by my Dad's side relatives. Even though there may be communication error, they are a bunch of very friendly, real and honest people. The laughters are definitely what we see. As for my Mum's side, I don't dread going for gatherings but I don't look forward to it also. The main reason to gather for my Mum's side is to look at the little kids who don't have any motives and also to make my grandma (who knows a lot more about such things than you will think) happy.

I heard that there will be a Christmas eve BBQ again next week. Hopefully, there will be. I will really look forward to going and understanding the real meaning of family.