

Greetings, it appears that you've just entered my humble blog.. I need not intorduce myself since you are here, you should know who I am and all my particulars.



June 2008
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April 2010


Friday, October 30, 2009

It have been eons since I last updated my blog. I am guessing that most probably, there will be no one reading because those who read surely have already given up on me updating the blog. So here I am ranting on what happened to me this few weeks. Well, I have a wonderful birthday celebration by my family and my close friends. I am very happy and touched that at least my friends got celebrate hahaha (which I know they surely will). That aside, my MA project is taking a toll on me. I find myself constantly questioning myself, questioning others about how it should be done. All because there isn't much information provided to us. The prof seems to be quite fickleminded. Sometimes, he wants there to be this perspective then other times he don't like the perspective. I am feeling rather irritated at myself for not being able to think properly at how the project should be done.