

Greetings, it appears that you've just entered my humble blog.. I need not intorduce myself since you are here, you should know who I am and all my particulars.



June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
May 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010


Busy Busy week
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Hello peeps. Today I get some time out to update on this blog. Why? Because I just bought a keyboard protector and am trying to get used to it and see whether is it nice to use. Well, not bad. I quite like the feel of it. It is not difficult to type but sometimes you have slip out here and there. Hmm. Nice overall. 

Anyway, back to my life. Yesterday had a meeting for my BGS project until 10pm. Guess what? I am not the last one to leave the school. There are actually other people who have not finish their project discussion and are still doing in the project rooms. I think is the SMU - in thing. Whatever. Damn tired lor. Other people taking BGS and have a different prof says BGS is a damn slack mod. But this is not my case. Haiz. I don't know whether is this lucky or unlucky. Unlucky because it is very very taxing. Lucky because, to tell you the truth, I really did learn something from his class and I think presenting in front of external discussants is a good way to build up confidence level. Well. What to do? I have no say over these things and I did not bid for it. Bye

Busy Busy
Thursday, March 5, 2009

It is the time of the day again where I am being piled up with projects. Mostly group projects. The worst thing is many, if not all, are scheduled to due and present on the week 13. So, expect not to see me surfacing for quite a while as I take a very long deep breath and go under the pile of projects. Hopefully I don't get internal bleeding from holding my breathe for too long. My major concern is a subject which I think is quite useless although the prof says otherwise. I am very stressed up in his class because I need to participate a lot but I can't think of what to speak and can just pray hard that I would not get a C in this semester again.. Argh. and it is this project that I am most afraid of as I have no idea what we are doing. Other than that, I can say that I feel pretty ok. 

Have to go to school on Saturday and Sunday for project meetings again. You can see the advantage and disadvantage of having a school that is smack right in the centre of Singapore.